Saturday, January 08, 2005


Look around you or recall all the married couples you know. How many do you know who have marriage problems. Alot right? I know of alot of my family or friends who have marriage problems. They cannot seem to get along anymore. If possible, most would like to be divorced, I suspect.

Ever wonder why this is possible? Surely, they were once madly in love. They would die for each other. So, why would they not be able to stand each other now?

Theory is that when they first get to know each other, there are so many things to learn about each other, so many things to discover. The new face is so attractive, so alluring. After many years, these are no longer fresh. So, they cannot last anymore.

When a baby is newly born, the parents are very excited about him, cherish and adore him. It is a new experience with this infant. So, it was excitement and lots of giving. 5 to 10 years later, having lived with the same kid for this period, it is hard not to notice that the endurance is gone, and scoldings and shoutings fill the air.

Love is not lasting. It is part of growing. Cherish the 2 years of madly being in love. Once you get married, the love will be gone soon. Choose not to be married and this phase of always being in love will probably last a longer time. But, if you are in love, surely you want her to marry you. How then, can you stop marrying her?

Yet, humans are never satisfied until they possess what they love. So, the ultimate possession is marriage and so few stop before they fall into it.

If you are madly in love right now, I can understand why you would dismiss all that I have said. Surely, you cannot believe that your feelings for him or her will ever change. But read some true life stories of husband killing wives or vice versa and if you think about it, you may finally accept that feelings will past. Still, it is great to be in love. Those who never fall in love miss alot, alot. It is the best feeling in the world. It is mixed with sweetness and bitterness. Painful at times, and exhilirating at other times. Wonderful experience.

Marriage is beautiful for the first few years. It may last longer. But one day you will discover that if God willing, you would rather not have to live with him/her any longer. Divorce? Think for the kids first.

So, falling in love is to get into marriage. Getting married is to produce kids. Populate the earth. After marriage, it becomes duty. Lots of obligations, duties, responsibilities. With the spouse, the responsibility is procreation. The love that relives is that for the baby. Less and less for the wife or husband. It is part of the phases of live.


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