Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Other Blogs

Read some other blogs recently. Quite facinating. All kinds of blogs on all kinds of content. I am more interested in blogs about thoughts and how the person is going through life.

There is one I especially enjoyed. It had very nice and meaningful poems. Real feelings that I can identify when I was going through love and lost - those days. This person unfortunately had the relationship last for only 6 months. There were many previous relationships this person went through and stopped.

Seems that there are few lasting ones these days. Imagine, it took this person a long time to decide that so and so is the right one, and they were pretty sure they are meant for each other. But alas, it did not last. I sensed that they were not really spending alot of time together and they have very strong friendship still with their old friends.

Maybe, that is the cause. From the poem, looks like there was a third party.

Anyway, to tell you the truth, diamonds do have a very special power over ladies. Watch the change in attitude after she received it.


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